99. sociologický večer

Roma Migration to and from Canada
host: Zsuzsanna Vidra, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Hungary

The migration and asylum seeking of Central Eastern European Roma to Canada started in the 1990s when several thousands of Roma moved to Canada. The factors impelling migration were social, political as well as economic. We could distinguish the pioneers from the laggards in the migration process. Pioneers were migrants who were from wealthier families and many had earlier migration experiences; they were the ones who would leave, come back, and some would try to leave again. The latter – the laggards – were often the failed migrants, those whose return left them in a more desperate situation than they had been in before leaving.

Konání přednášky bylo podpořeno grantem Husovy nadace "Mapování kulturních válek v postkomunistickém regionu: kulturní analýza hodnotových střetů v občanské sféře".

Thursday January 14th 2016, 6.30 pm
Hollar building, room 215

Hollar, Fakulta sociálních věd, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Praha 1

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